How my sister Vicki Schalip ended up in Spain as told by bother Brandon

‘My sister - Vicki - was originally a college student at Ohio Wesleyan University in Ohio (USA). She had only attended school for a short time when the opportunity came up to spend a semester (or two) abroad. Vicki wanted to learn Spanish because she originally thought it would be cool to be a translator - like for the U.N. - so, she somehow convinced our father to finance the trip. While she was over there - she fell in love - with her host family, with the country and life style - and I think that is when she also met and fell in love with Manolo. She did come back to the States after her first semester abroad, but - school did not last long for her after that. As I recall - she and her Spanish host family got her a work visa and she went back to Spain...and never looked back.’

Chuck was married to my cousin Debra for 12 years

Chuck married my cousin Debra Conrad  Jan 9, 1976 . Their residance was Franklin county for the next 12 years.

Thomas Conrad
Jef Opphile in wedding party 8/23/75



I will share with our classmates that Jef Opphile or ‘Bugs as we knew him and I shared the same birthday, April 6, and were good friends during High school.  In fact, I ask him to be in my wedding party on August 23, 1975 in Battle Creek. He would never pass up a good party, jumped at the offer, and drove the 770 miles from Marysville to Michigan just to be included in the celebration. You can see him second from the end in the picture with that well-known grin. I sure was saddened to learn of his passing years ago and miss him.

Thomas Conrad
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